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Spring 2020 NEHA Meeting

  • 18 Apr 2020
  • Emmanuel College


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Available only until April 4.
  • Available only through April 4.

The New England Historical Association will hold its spring 2020 meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, at Emmanuel College on the Fenway.  As always, proposals of papers and panels on all subjects of historical inquiry are welcome.  To submit a proposal by February 1, please email your proposal and cv to NEHA Vice President Sean Perrone, Saint Anselm College,

To register for the conference, purchase lunch, and renew your membership, please continue on this registration website.


New England Historical Association, Inc. 

Founded 1965

Contact: Executive Secretary, Dr. Tona Hangen, Department of History and Political Science

Worcester State University  486 Chandler Street  Worcester MA 01602

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